The Museum SFV strives to provide a voice to the distinctive histories of all cultures, races, religions and ideas that have contributed to the San Fernando Valley’s character and development.
As an educational and cultural institution, we are here to acquire, display and preserve the artifacts, documents and records of the San Fernando Valley. With the help of residents, businesses, organizations and societies, we continue to build The Museum SFV collections of historical items, fine arts and folk arts for the public to enjoy and for scholars to research.
Through The Museum's current home in western San Fernando Valley in the city of Northridge via interactive exhibits, website, blog, social media, tours for the public, schools and organizations, lectures and performances, Your Museum will share with the world what it means to be part and parcel of the great San Fernando Valley.
The Museum began in 2005 out of a historic bungalow at L.A. Valley College. For the next three years, we secured some funds through small grants, created exhibits and offered an array of events.
Several years later, The Museum was housed at the Fashion Square mall in Sherman Oaks where thousands of people visited The Museum each month.
In late 2014, we resided in Northridge, in a property owned by the Dentzel and Waldo families and spent five and a half years on SE corner of Nordhoff St. and Wilbur Ave.
During during the pandemic, The Museum SFV moved across the street to the historic Rancho Cordillera del Norte in Northridge on the SW corner of Nordhoff St. & Wilbur Ave. The Museum SFV is open and has an interior space and an enormous outdoor area where Museum members, advisors, donors and the general public are enjoying exhibits, events and programming. as well as sharing their stories about living, working and experiencing the San Fernando Valley.
In 2022, we celebrate our 17th year!
Primary Museum programs include:
Valley Artist - Artist Speaker Series
Horses Across The Valley (HATV)
A major economic asset to the Valley and beyond.
Improves Business and Residential Property Values
A major educational asset to the Valley and beyond:
A major civic asset to the Valley:
The Museum Associates program offers members of the general public that possess experience and interest in a number of fields who want to support The Museum as a docent and volunteer and further the primary goals of promoting the history, art and culture of the Valley.
Museum Associates receive training and will work with an existing board member or other experienced docent at the Museum during operating hours, on tours and special events.
Two and three-hour shifts requested. Meet interesting people while you educate about The Museum and the valley.
Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a Museum SFV Associate.
The staff and board members of The Museum of the San Fernando Valley stand in solidarity with those protesting police brutality and discrimination against Black people in our country. We are horrified and heartbroken by the recent killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and far too many other Black members of our society. We acknowledge the pain and suffering that many are experiencing as a result of these events, and we join the call to put an end to systemic racism and discrimination.
As members of a community museum, we believe shared stories and histories inspire people to respect human life, bridge cultural differences and biases, and come together to create a powerful, innovative, compassionate, and dynamic community. We promise to work to address these problems, strive to safeguard factual truths, and to create a just society where all members can live their lives peacefully and be afforded the opportunity to tell their stories.
Michel (Michael) Stevens
Mobile: (310) 890-9182
Cheri Norum, Vice President
Eric Stuart, Vice President
Cameron Gil, Secretary
Jackie Langa, Treasurer
Crystal Jackson, Board Member
Sandy Chukhadarian, Board Member
Digital Marketing Manager
Dana Radke, Board Member
Dana Carl Dentzel, Board Member
Justin DesRoches, Board Member
Richard Cryer, Board Member
Debbie Tushinsky, Marketing Coordinator
Cheri Norum, Co-Chair
Public Arts Initiative
Sandy Chukhadarian, Co-Chair
Public Arts Initiative
Richard Cryer
Public Arts Initiative
Historic Walking Tours
Contact: Michel Stevens
Museum Associates (Volunteer Program)
Cheri Norum, Chair
Museum SFV Ambassador:
Elaine Horn
Gary Fredburg
Member, Artifact Committee
Steve Falk
Member, Development Committee
The Museum of the San Fernando Valley is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID: 26-1292402
Contact us at
Please consider making a donation or becoming a Museum SFV member.